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loch forbes night fish

James W

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last night myself and my brother (fergie) hit up loch forbes....was a tough session too :( had 7 strikes on poppers but no hook ups..had several strikes down deeper next to the lillies but still no hook ups! :blink:

so the moon is well and truly lighting up the dam and we were fishless and i was ready to go home..then all hell broke loose boat side with fergie hooked up to a psycho bass that nailed his deception shrimp right next the boat!..and it was a beauty too...so that gave us the excuse to fish for another 2 hours :P

but the temp dropped right off and all went quiet..

congrats fergie with his second ever lure caught bass..well done :) [img size=320]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/DSC00849.jpg


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