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River mouth 22/2/09, a decent sesh


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Hey guys,

we launched from fishermans at around 6pm and started off the night with a quick troll under the bridge there. my mate gets a hit and pulls up a nice lil soapie:


we then headed to the pump to get some livies, of which there were plenty. One of the d!ckheads in the prawn trawlers there was being a nuisance, making beelines straight for us (we were there first) then yelling at us about not running over his trawl lines (that he was dragging infront of our stationary 3.75m tinny). stupid yobbo..

anyway, we headed to one of the wharves and threw some livies out, mate brings up another soapie:


and i'm still on a donut apart from a stingray earlier. we moved spot again to #99, deployed some shark baits and some herring. The wind was blowing pretty hard and the current was slack as, so we had huge troubles with slack lines etc. anyway turns out i had a shark on, who jumped out of the water 2m behind the tinny with my stingray in its mouth. i guess during the jump he got wrapped in line and sandpapered the braid or something, cause he and the trace were gone. about 10 minutes later i caught the trace+bait on my other line as i was bringing in another hubcap, go figure lol.

another position move and a steadier tidal run saw us in a better position. we anchored up near the pump and threw lures at the rockwall while running some herring over the dropoff. I got a decent bream on an 80mm gold bomber, and on the next cast this grumpy fellow followed suit (a reminder to all not to wade around this area barefoot, lol) :


By nadders86 at 2009-02-22

Not long after the stoney was returned to the water my herring screamed off. A good hard first run, then submission, then another hard run..another jewie :D a decent one too at 83cm:


after this fella we continued with the herring, caught a couple more big stingrays and had a few hooks pulled on possible threadies along 99.

all in all good trip, all fish released although the bigger jewie gave us a scare by going belly up after kicking away, but we couldn't find him floating anywhere and he was still splashing about so i'm guessing he was just off balance for a bit :P



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Angus wrote:

Well done mate. Very nice Jew. Very jealous :)

I have caught 2 stone fish along there as well! Must be a few!


haha yeah and jimmybob was telling me in chat one day that i should wade across to the submerged rocks at low tide, right where i pulled him out from. might pass on that mate :P

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