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embarrassing question, but...


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where can i find a reliable source of pike near the river mouth? want to be able to spend half an hour catching pike for livies for jew etc but i never seem to run in to any. most reports i read you can't get away from them haha

so if you want me to clean out some pike from any of your spots feel free to swing me a pm or whatever haha

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also if u have any strips of flesh available.. i use as light line as possible with a small long shank whiting hook, and a strip of flesh, herring are perfect and funnily enough pike is also very good for pike :D .. 8-10mm x 50mm strip pinned only once thru the end and thrown out unweighted. with a slow retrieve they climb all over it. whitebait also works, gotta half hitch them tho. they always get lip hooked and are in great nick for livies

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me and a few mates headed out to peel island this morning for the d ay and we aunched from colmslie this morning....i always get mullet there with the cast net but today was surprised to get a net full of pike! by the way grinners love them....:angry:

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The pike are plentiful on the bay side of fishermans island bridge in that little bay thing. Just pretend to fish for bream with plastics and you will get some, if that fails speed up the retrieve and if that fails they're not there.

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close to the oil line there is a red and green beacon on the corner of bulwer bp refinery, at night time small plastics gets heaps of pike and tailor in the light pools under both of them, the pelicans are all ways floating there all night...... even lil poppers work, a 30 tailor is great live bait!!!

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nice tip wes i always wondered about those beacons, cheers mate!

yeah we have gotten a few jewies on dead tailor, would be awesome to just be able to cruise over, throw a few casts and have some quality livebait in a short amount of time :D

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