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Winter Classic - Tweed River / Long weekend.


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Morning all,

Well as stated last week while you boys were all cruising round Moreton Bay - myself and 4 buddies headed down to the Tweed River for our 3 annual "Winter Classic" fishing comp.. Was an amazing weekend. Plenty of fish caught - not too many screamers but definately some amazing weather, great looking scenary and afew good fish to boot..

5 mates, perfect weather, plenty of rum and beer and enough fishing gear to sink the houseboat it was never really not going to be a good trip.

The competition is a flat out longest fish wins to avoid any complications. Unfortunately we are soon going to need to change the name to Flathead classic as it's quite obvious that if your shooting for length then they need to be your primary target. However there was always the possibility of a Jew.

Seeing as I dont have much work on this morning I'll put abit more effort into my reports than normal.

We started the Friday night in the harbour, (got there late and no driving after sunset) so we took our dingy and my mates tinny out for an 11pm session. My mate got acouple of undersize bream and an undersize tailor on the glow in the dark minnows but no other action was had.

I woke the next morning at dawn keen to get out and use some poppers around the jetty's and oyster leases for some Bream around the harbor. (Keep in mind I set myself a goal to maybe get a Trev on the surface at some point) After getting afew nudges on Towadi's and watching a bunch of disturbed water from what I considered mullet or Bream I switched to a R2S bubble pop and put a pin point cast in the top edge of a pontoon.. After letting it sit I saw a water swirl right next to it. I gave it 1 tiny little bloop and bang! At first I felt very little weight and a slight twitching like it was an undersize bream.. I walked out into some more open water and then Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... I shat myself thinking my drag was completely non existant but once I realised it wasn't I was excited as hell as I'd never had a fish put on a solid 40-50m run before. I was patient and battled it all the way in and to my amazement it was indeed a 39cm Trev! I was amped! I knew it wasn't going to win the classic but for now I was in the lead! :cheer: [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/Trev1_AFO.jpg

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We set off down the river towards the Bonora Point bridge. It was a beautiful morning and at 7:30am behind the wheel with a beer in hand and a good fish already under the belt I was feeling good.

The action was consistent but never electric. Over the next 3 days we did it all.. Every morning I would get up at dawn and take the dingy out for some surface action around the many oyster covered rocks that line the shores of the Tweed.. I tell ya this place looks like Jack heaven for the Summer months! I only managed two other Bream on the surface.. Both taken over the top of weed beds on a Sammy 65, didn’t have the measure with me but one was around legal and the other about 30.

Plenty of bream also kept us busy on the live yabbies around the bridge itself. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/1-8b3028453a937525fbe32d6d4d78080b.jpg


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Come 7:30 I would head back to the boat and the boys were up having breakfast.. Would have a quick bite to eat and then we would rig up our plastics and head off to hunt the Classic winning Flathead. Plenty of flathead were landed.. Acouple 40 + which then changed the lead from the Trev.. (Give me a 39cm Trev over a 40cm Flatty anyday) Two 50+.. Quite the controversy as we didn’t have a net so whilst trying to land my mates over 50+ Flatty I cut his line.. (Complete accident I swear) but the rules are that it MUST be measured and confirmed by one other person so it didn’t count. Fortunately I hit back later in the same session with this 51cm.. It ended up being the winning fish in the end!

We took heaps of undersize lizards on plastics, too many to count.. My friend also scored acouple of Bream on plastics too.. The Bream was taken on a Gulp in Watermelon Pearl. The Flatty’s were caught on everything.. Nuclear Chicken, Lime Tiger, Pumpkinseed (probably accounted for the most), mango ripple, watermelon pearl, sweet and sour chicken, pepperprawn.. Seriously nothing has reinforced my opinion more that these Gulp minnows are deadly in just about any colour! At least on Flathead anyway. [img size=500]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/4-c2822202fa79dfe89737c1b0e65ae655.jpg


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We live baited of a night time - as I jigged in the eddie behind the bridge pilons and found endless amounts of herring! Took around 20 live herring and pumped a bunch of yabbies… We got some decent action with my friend landing the biggest estuary Bream I’ve ever seen in the flesh.. 37cm with a set of shoulders on it like a line backer! My other mate also took another good well over 30’s Bream on a yabbie. Acouple of sting rays, small tailor and even a big ass luderick to boot! [img size=374]http://www.australianfishing.com.au/media/kunena/attachments/legacy/images/9-f09aaf3ab06660b8ef577e2f4e76424c.jpg


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tugger wrote:

chris did you try between the marina and bridge at night under the lights of the pub


Hey mark, yeah we did give that area a flogging up underneath the restaurant and bar there.. Not super seriously and the tide was pretty low but just with afew plastics, might have done better on the bream hardbodies.. Some great looking area all along there. Just screams Bream! I wish I lived closer.

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