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My First Bass


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Well after joining the site Thusday night, Thanks to Rocket for the info, I put up a post as I was desperate to catch my first Bass. After some excellent tips from Little Gray Men, I was eager to get down the creek straight away.

After a restless night sleep dreaming of my first big bass :huh: I was off. The first spot I went I landed my first one YAY!!! :woohoo: on a baby Crank lure. It was only 32.5cm long but it was better than a slap in the face with a wet fish.

After a few more casts I headed off to try a different spot. It wasn't long before I had my second! Same lure (why change what works) only it was 37cm and a bit more of a fighter. Well this certainly got the adrenaline pumping!

Another dozen or so casts and I was off to try another spot. I was still on cloud 9 from the 2 other bass I just caught when I get this almighty thump!

Before I new what was happening, this one took off flat out like a centipede skipping. I could feel some scratching at the end of my line and new this was a bad sign of things to come.

Sure enough snagsville :S

Unfortunately due to my inexperience I lost both fish and lure.

I still left a happy man. And as Arny would say "I'll be back"

I left there well and truely bitten by the big bass bug! I can't wait to not only get down there again, but to meet and go fishing with some more members of this great site.

Special thanks to Little Gray Men for his tips, you were spot on the money!



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