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Crazy american guy you wouldnt fish with!


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i agree with u guys. but hes also using a full graphite rod. most shows when you see them fighting the goliath grouper use a blue marlin outfit rated for 200lb. i mean literally broom sticks. they are also a composite. fiberglass graphite mix. but i do agree the guy was an idiot putting his rod on the gunel. alot of the fishing shows here button down on the drag for the goliath groupers due to the fact these fish can weigh upwards of 6-700 lb and when they realize they are hooked they tend to swim immediately for cover be it pilings or bridge supports. so they try their damndest to pull them away from such structure. they also use 200lb braid and usually steel leaders. the reel hes using looks to be an avet 4/0 wide. were not all stupid. lol. were all fisherman and we've all made mistakes. although probably nowhere near this guys. just an opinion i dont want to rile up anyones feathers. remember there are no enemies in the brotherhood of fishermen(women).. unless of course theres a tournament.. then its war!!! :laugh: jk.fish on

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