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A Great Weekend's FIshing


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Was gagging for a fish after a long week at worksoheaded off nice and early to boggy creek and the poo shute for a fish. Started pretty slow witha couple of small hits and then changed rigs to the 4" minnow in New Penny and changed positions just to the city side of the poo shute.

The it happens second cast on a slow retrieve and BAM! :ohmy: I was hit and hit very hard. The big buggar took off out towards the channel, wnet west and then finally came in towards me. My the rate my line was bending I knew it was a great fish.

Finally I get it into around a foot of water and saw the fish for the first time - a huge flatty - at least 60 cms long. I moved back up the beach and unfortunately off he came with some massive head shakes - gutted :(

After a fair bit of swearing I got back to it and was rewarded with a couple of smaller flatties around the 40-45 cms mark. Oh well not to worry. So back down the wharf at Colmslie onlow tide on the hunt for some Prawns amnd bumped into Ryan. He was going for a fish Saturday night so decided to join him.

We set up at Bulimba around 10.00pm and after a quiet start Ryan hooked onto a Stingray which put up a very "unstingray" fight. AFter a fair bit of activity it was my turn to hook up and I was rewarded with my first Jew - 50 cms and a good fighter.

I was really happy and when Ryan was on to something big we thought it was a great result - then whatever it was broke him off. Bit of a pity really.

Sunday was a trip to Deep Water Bend with the family and had a great time on small Bream and Whiting. Got a couple of poddy Mullet in te net and stuck one on a Patenoster and cast it out. I was rewarded about half an hour later with a huge run and great fight - my first Shovel Nose Shark about 3 ft long.

All in all a great weekend fishing with the family and friends. Pity about the bit flatty though. BV_with_Jew.jpg

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Angus wrote:

Nice little Jewy mate!

Ryan your not wrong about potential.


We actually had a fair bit of interest given to our livies that night, with three or four big bites but no hook-ups. The prawns are a bit smaller at the moment, with softer shells, making them harder to keep on the hooks, but they are still very effective.

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