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Big day out part 2.


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After early morning foray to the Albert met up with Aaron at midday and headed off to NPD with a supply of shrimp and hoping for a few fish and a feed of redclaw.

The plan of attack was to do the pots and then bait fish around the island for a while and then troll back to the ramp.

We did the pots with fairly poor results but what we did get was a fairly good size. Strongly suspect that the sharefarmers had been springing side of pots and extracting the redclaw so next time I will be using 3 zip ties on each pot.

By the time we had done the pots the wind had got up and when we looked up we saw this.


So we decided to hightail it out of there.

Just to tease us this is the sounder just at the entrance of the bay where the ramp is.


Got to the ramp just as it started to spit and it was pouring whilst we put the boat on the trailer and it had stopped by the time we got to the gate.

Only a couple of rumbles of thunder but still glad we left when we did.

Aaron ended up with a feed of redclaw and flake as I gave him the bulley that I brought back from this mornings effort.

Pretty long but enjoyable day for an old fart thanks for the company and excellent deckying Brian and Aaron.



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