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logan river


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Morning mate,

Should still be a few bull sharks around in the Logan although the cold snap is sneaking through, and they'll give you a good run on light tackle. A live mullet presented on the bottom will normally see you attatched to one of these sharks, just remember the wire, or at least heavy fluro.

I've also taken some better than average bream from the logan on live local prawns, can be a hit and miss affair though, they don't seem to follow any certain pattern. Also, small river perch are fairly commin in both the albert and the logan.

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The bullies in Logan R. are there year round, the temp of the water doesn't through them off the chew. The warm months certainatly have a better bite rate but you'll still smash them in winter :) Any form of live bait will get them, I find large bony bream to work very well down that way, but they will take mullet, bream and catfish aswell. Good luck with what ever your chasing.

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onya keen,yeh prob just a bream flick i reckon.been told the mouth is pretty good,what about coomera.caught a couple of bream there a couple weeks back just under the motorway there.ok size and they were caught on blood worms.any spots at coomera worth a look...was only expecting to go out for a lil bit but you know how that ends up with a bit of spot hopping..haha.cheers people.

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put boat in at the ramp just off foxwell rd. head about 300m down river and you will see a little island on the right. anchor just out from the sign that comes out of the water. check the sounder because there is a bit of a rocky hole there. caught good bream and whiting there, and have been smashed on liveys there also, good luck. cheers

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