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Hey Guys and Gals

just been put onto this site and i must say i am impresses

i an a Vic fisho but travel all around the country fishing when i can

I have a brother in harvey bay and other friends and rellies up this way

I love sport and game fishing especially big southern bluefin and marlin and makos

i am member of the Bass Strait game fishing club and my wife is also a keen angler

I have a highly modified Freedom seasport 640 with a 150 etec that can be in Portland 1 week end and Bermy or JB the next

I live right between westernport and port phillip bays and can be in either withing 15 minutes of hooking the boat up

I recently started the WE FISH campaign and was active in the mako fight

I am looking forward to tackling some blacks up your way later this year dale2a.jpg

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Thanks for the welcome guys

Portland is a great place but its a 55 k run out to the shelf

5 metre swells doing 50ks an hour are common (but they are 18 seconds apart)

the southern ocean is an unfriendly place at times

tuna there average 30 kg and fight well in the 16 degree water (yep cold)

This is taken inside portland harbour boat-20100426.jpg

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