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Macleay Is. recently even a chinnaman fish


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Been for a couple of sessions around the top end of macleay in the last week for a few fish... ducted out for a quick fish last Saturday arvo, managed a couple of tailor for the table and a fair few small squire about upto 35cm or so (all released) ... also got what i am fairly certain was a chinnaman fish in under 6ft of water. I have fished the bay for a long time now but never caught one of these guys inside before ...has anyone else seen these in the bay before?

Also went for a run on sunday night and got a couple of sweetlip to 45cm and a couple of squire best went just over 50cm... all in all a couple of good days on the bay.

good to see some fish showing up regularly in the bay again


matt potts_point_haul_pb_sweetlip_and_squire_reduced.jpg

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2 weeks ago i pulled my boat out at cleveland and a chap pulled us up to identify some fish they caught in the bay 1 was a chinamen fish probably lucky he did so or he could have poisoned his family, he didn't know of 3 fish in his esky or their size limits.

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tugger wrote:

2 weeks ago i pulled my boat out at cleveland and a chap pulled us up to identify some fish they caught in the bay 1 was a chinamen fish probably lucky he did so or he could have poisoned his family, he didn't know of 3 fish in his esky or their size limits.

I can not understand this practice,but seems to be becoming a regular occurance again.

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A couple of years ago I saw a dead chinaman fish of around 2kg floating near welington point jetty. :( I reckon someone kept it not knowing of the ciguattera risk and were told and dumped it. Pretty sad.

Mind you the ciguattera poisoning risk from eating red bass and chinaman fish is greatly overstated especially from smaller to average sized specimens.

IMHO far riskier eating an XOS spanish mackerel caught from high risk areas. e.g. Hervey Bay.

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