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New Hornibrook Bridge Fishing Platform


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Will have to make sure I get out there again before they do tear it down. Glad they're putting a platform on the new bridge but no doubt it will be stupidly crowded most the time.

Perhaps we could arrange a social just prior to it being torn up? See how many AFO Militia shirts we can have lining the bridge.. time it right we might even generate some free publicity...

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raven wrote:

Glad they're putting a platform on the new bridge but no doubt it will be stupidly crowded most the time.

Unless they're planning to extend a floating pontoon off it, I'm really disappointed with the size of it. It's ridiculously small for how many people I suspect will want to use it.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, just wondering if there has been any updates on this topic. Was thinking of heading out that way for a saturday arvo-evening session. Cant find anything on the net/forums on the topic. Has the old bridge been closed off completely? are there any new platforms to fish off? How are the crowds & fishing in general there at the moment?

Thanks in advance

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Yea the old bridge is closed now...

I wish I had my camera or phone with me the other day when I was there though as there was a mobile crane on the old bridge, but it had lifted the boards and bearers from both sides of the section it was positioned on.

Looked like a classic class of ...... Oh F@$%, now what?

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Caught a couple of things while I was there. First hooked something big on my 2kg tournament rod around the pilons of the middle bridge. Finally got it to the boat and it was the biggest uggliest toad fish I have seen. I did not have to release it as it bit my hook in half. My kids did cacth a couple of sandies on their lines. Looks god for the sandie season. Decided to move back down the river a little and sat along the bank just down from the old bridge. My daughter caught a couple of small snapper which was a bit of a spin for me as I use to fish this area as akidjust about everyweekend and had never caught a snapper. My nephew then got a good hit on his rod and pulled up a 52cm flattie. This was on the early stages of the outgoing tide. I then picked up a couple of sandies in the pots down further in the river. All in all, a good day.



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