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light baitcasters?

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i looked through the entire section of baitcaster reels on daiwa's website after i stopped drooling and put my eyes back in my head i was dissapointed that the lightest line rating of their reels is 10lb. it is wayyyy time for a rod and reel upgrade. i wanna do light line probably 4lb for HBs and SPs.

is there a baitcaster reel that can do this?

why is it that everyone uses spinners?

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tomca wrote:

Joel Eadie wrote:

why is it that everyone uses spinners?

Because casting super light lures into the wind with a baitcaster can cause a birdsnest from hell, or getting F.A. distance with the brakes on

ah, i am all too falmilar with those, however i think ill persist anyway and ensure i have a spinner for a backup.

thanks for the model names dan, looks like a got a bit of saving to do

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Hi there, if you can get your hands on an early model shimano chronach they can be quite easy to tweek to run 4lb. Personally I still use an abu 1600 as I haven't found anything that will cast ultra light lures better with minimal birdnests and can still stop reasonable sized fish.Try ebay for these. That said, 1000 shimano twin-power works a treat for me as I find spinners more user friendly at night or with the dreaded brissie breezes.


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If you want to chuck the light stuff for the dollars you mentioned, I'd start searching for a second hand Alphas, or an MG50 You can get some decent ones from time to time. I use a Steez baitcaster which can cast the tiniest little lure one minute then a big ol spinnerbait the next.

Spinning reels are easier to use, but baitcasters just feel right to me.

Learn what the reel can do and become very familiar with the cast controls.

But be careful of going too light on the line as the thinner the line the more it will bight in on itself while sitting on the spool....this can cause bird nests and also the dreaded cast off. ( when the line suddenly stops midcast and your favourite lure goes sailing out into the deep, minus line )

Good luck hunting for your reel !

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