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Bay 22/4/6


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Reelchippy and I headed out from Viccy Pt early (for me) on Sunday. Found a likely looking hole towards McLeay and stopped to have a go.

Reelchippy was on the soft plastics and I was trying the trusty squid/pillie combo. The water was glassy, a turtle or two were surfacing for that big breath of air they take, it was looking like a great day in the bay.

After 15 minutes or so reelchippy got a great hit on his SP (5†shad in blue pepper atomic watermelon pumpkin apple…dadadadadada). The rod was bent in half and he played it well, it would come up then down, run away etc . He would get a bit back and then it would move off again. After about 5 or so minutes he got down to his backing so I started the motor and manoeuvred the boat so he could get some line back and chased it slowly for a further 5 minutes or so. Finally it surfaced and to my humorous delight and his disgust it was a bloody turtle. He has a new nickname – Donnatello. Needless to say we motored as close as possible to retrieve some braid and then set him loose. (The turtle that is.)

When I’d stopped laughing and the turtle had resurfaced a few times we decided to move as reelchippy wasn’t keen on snaring another. Ran over a good showing of fish on the sounder so stopped again. Another turtle or two or three surfaced there (once only a metre from the bow) so we moved up to a spot just south of Peel. Pulled in a grinner which went straight on the shark rig in place of the dead mullet. I didn’t have time to re-rig the hand rod before the shark rig reel had a click on the drag. I stopped re-rigging to have a look, then Bang!. Down went the rod tip. I picked it up and pushed the drag to the strike setting and nearly got pulled out the back of the boat. Anyway after 25 minutes of him peeling line off and then me getting a bit back etc I had a decent sized shovelly alongside. He was tired but still had enough to go for another couple of runs before cooperating so we could get back most of the rig. He swam away with a nice new shiny 8/0 circle through his lip so was probably the centre of attention at that nights rave.

Whilst I had a drink and wiped the sweat off, Reelchippy tossed a bit of squid on his other line and threw it over and set about changing his SP. His squid rod went bang and after a few minutes he brought in a well hooked/lipped bronzie around 2 foot.

After that we moved a bit closer to Peel and picked up 2 undersize Pinkies. Moved again closer to Peel for 2 snags on the drift before moving down to the Northeast of Coochie where Reelchippy jagged another of those big toads.

Finished the day off on some sandbanks south of Viccy Pt where I’d had a tip was the spot for a good feed of Whiting. Managed about 10 between us – all undersize for a feed, a little bream and again to reelchippy’s disgust a ray about 2 foot across. Reelchippy also managed to jag the smallest stripey ever seen when it got stuck in his squid bait. Another good laugh for me anyway.

Post edited by: ellicat, at: 2007/04/24 11:00

Post edited by: ellicat, at: 2007/04/24 18:22

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