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christened the new boat.


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So finally thanks to the classifieds section of this forum and bassjunky I'm the proud owner of my first boat. A nice 08 explorer trophy 4.2, elec start 30 merc, bow mount etc. So as you can imagion since picking it up had been biting at the bit to get it on the water. Maiden voyage friday wasn't so much as fishing rather just get use to leccy and sounder and handling of boat so went out front of cabbage tree. Taking note of how flat it was made my plans to head out to the compass bouy and chase some whiting the next day. So launching at pinkenba on the water at 6am headed straight out however was interupted by some birds smashing a school near the dredger. So thinking to myself I didn't watch all those fishing shows for nothing I gave the school a wide berth and set for a drift. Not sure what species at all to expect I just sent down a 4'' shad on 1/4oz. To my surprise second hop and I'm on boating a just under tailor quickly releasing him this became my new focus. So after about 2hrs of chasing the school with the leccy and trying some different lures when they seemed to of moved on I ended up with 5 ranging from the 35-39, and thru back about 5 more just under at around the 33. So no real stand outs in size but definetly fun and motivating as a new boat owner. Other then that trolled boggy for a little while for no luck wind started to pick so headed home. Heres to my reporting becoming much more frequent. P1000798.JPG

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Nice feed there mate - well done. Yep, always good when you are able to implement the ideas you have picked up from watching fishing shows!!!!

This is the 2nd post I've read referring to whiting at compass adjustment buoy. Can someone fill me in on where it is/what colour it is? I'm assuming somewhere just out of River mouth? Am on holidays this week so sounds worth trying.

Cheers andwell done on the tailor,


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Thanks guys certianly am chomping at the bit to go again.

kmcrosby78 - Mate didn't make it all the way out however from what I can see in beacon to beacon. Take the left hand channel instead of the main one and from scale I estimate about 4km out. Other wise turn right at 5th green marker after poo chute in main channel. Ment to be about 6m of water just need small bits of squid apparently.

Angus - Cheers mate will for sure.

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