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Brisbane River 4/10


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Well its been a long time since I have had a fish yet alone a report (formerly rathabfishin courtesy of forgotten password). Anyway didn't end up working Sunday night so hit my long time best mate who has not had any soft plastic experience and never caught a fish on a lure up for a fish in the Brissy river. My main mission, like always when taking out a lure virgin is to get them a fish.

So I picked Andre up at 4am and arrived at boggy creek to launch just on sunrise. I had planned to let my mate use my son's set up for bream and flathead however to my disgust and shame it appears he had not been maintaining his gear and the braid was rotten, refusing to refrain from breaking while joining the leader. So I reluctantly hand over my light set-up and fish with a 4-6 kg combo. :(

First stop was Bulwer island at the western side of the creek mouth. Last time here this early I managed a nice 35+cm squire and got dusted twice by bigger specimens, however not this time. After whipping the water to foam with our casts for a good hour and nothing apart from a little interest from the resident toadfish we moved on to the sunken rockwall just as the tide began to turn. This immediately yielded results with Andre dropping two suspected flathead in quick succesion before landing this respectable 43 cm model on a 10 P/seed gulp swimming mullet. :cheer:


Not long after I cast my line and passed it to Andre (as i had to rety the leader on for Andre). As soon as I pass it WHACK...a massive hit...and bang the rod was miraculously back in my hands and I was connected to something nice. The way he bent my 4-6 kg rod packed with 10lb braid I though Jack? Estuary Cod? Stomping grandfather bream??? Anyway after a short yet hard 5 min fight I see colour and bring this little beauty into the boat.


The cod was caught on a 5incg gulp crazy legs jerk shad (curried chicken) and measured 49 cm. Hmmm its been a while so I thought that this was a feed too good to miss and into the icebox he went. ;)

We kept at it drift casting along the rockwall before the tide was moving too fast to continue and after a short stint casting on the flats near the mouth with no real interest we decided that the fish had shut down with the rising temp and we better head back and have a beer.

It was a beautiful morning to be on the river and a great way to get back into the fishing I have missed over the last 10 months. Now I just have to get racks so I can get back into yhe yak fishing again

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Mate i would be keen on a tip in the river i a have a 4m tinnie and have flicked plastic for hours on end with no real luck, live bait on the other hand ive pulled some really nice jew... but i would be keen to learn to ropes from a plastic fisho, dont mind using my own boat and gear, just would been keen for a trip on the water....

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No worries snapper trapper, am happy to help as best I can. I am not the best when it comes to plastics and am only working out a few marks for the river but have sussed out some awesome ground to flick for big lizards. With plastics I just follow a few simple rules and generally come home with a couple. On the other hand I am very keen to land a legal jew from the BR so maybe we could help each other out. My schedule is everywhere at the moment so let me know what days/times are best for you to go out and I will be happy to tagalong and give you a few tips with the plastics.

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