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Pimpama...fished it?

max pwr

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Anyone fished the pimpama round where kerkin road crosses it? Looking on google maps and might be a goer for tonight...got to find somewhere out of the wind! Went yakking in oakey creek yesterday and managed 2 flattiesaround 40cm on a little gold stumpjumper and my mate got adecent 50ish one on a plastic. But, we were chasing jacks and although it was a jacky looking spot had no luck. Did get 5 good prawns in the castnet and some mullet but suspect they were stolen by bream. Anyone fished Oakey and done any good?

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I used to fished that spot a bit back in the day, just off the bank or off the bridge. We used to throw the cast net of the bridge were the water backed up as it went threw the weir for poddies, herring, prawns and tarpon. We filleted the tarpon for bait and used to get the odd cod and jack, we also got big bream, flatties and bulls on the live herring. I haven't fished it for a while but wouldn't be a bad spot to yak though, just lock the car up and have a mongrel of a dog tied too it or something, there used to be a few randoms camping in the bush down there.

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