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Surface Bass video!


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A short video of some of my little Bass (courtesy of Elops) taking some shrimp pieces off the surface. They get a little shy with the camera up against the glass but will usually get their full body out of the water to take the food.

They are feisty little buggers and I'm amazed at their speed and strength despite their size. It's interesting to watch their patterns and takes in the tank as they seem to hold deep, observe the food for a bit and come to the surface to strike hard.




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How big are they now Eug ?

A lot can be learned from watching them in a tank ;)

A great indicator of when to go fishing, if they are inactive/shutdown in the tank you can bet that they will be locally in the streams/dams.

Steve thanks again.

The biggest is around 75mm smallest around 60mm at a guesstimate, the big one is always the first to strike and takes a majority of the food - he also likes moths occasionally. You are right there are particular times of the day when they are active, they become very inquisitive and will follow me if I walk around the tank but will only do so in a school. I had shrimp in there at one stage and when they were small kept their distance, once they got big enough - goneski!



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not that i have any problem with it... but, is it not illegal to take undersize fish if you are keeping them for an aquarium/not killing them?

or are these not from the river? ;)

no winks required. i got them from steve (elops) who's a breeder of native fish and involved with restocking. these were runts and unsuitable for release.

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