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The Adventures of Scorpion XT


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hey guys.

Enzo and I had some vouchers for a pond so we went to use them last monday.

The pond we visited is the Kyoto GT Pond (yup its a pond for fishing Giant Trevallys... pretty much the only way to fish GTs in singapore :lol:)... both of us having never fished GTs before...

There are 2 GT ponds currently running in Singapore (and a third opening late feb)... the Kyoto GT Pond is one, and Edward's GT Pond being the other.

i personally consider the Kyoto GT Pond to be the "Warm-Up" GT pond, for the simple fact that the biggest GTs in Kyoto (4kg ish) are half the size of the smallest GTs in Edward's GT Pond (8kg ish :woohoo:)...

so the night before i make a stupid mistake and tie on one of my new minnows... forgetting that because its a Catch N Release pond, rules like no treble hooks and barbed hooks allowed applies... Enzo on the other hand, cleverly ties on a Squidgy Fish 80mm Drop Bear...

in the morning we met up with another one of my mates and travelled to the pond... in the car i discovered that my mate had also tied on an SP... (you're thinking right now 'no worries wally just tie on an SP when you get there...' yeah i thought so too...)

after we arrive and settle all the paperwork...

Mate: last one to land a fish buys breakfast! :lol:

Enzo: DEAL! :evil:

Wally: DEAL! ... ... WAIT WHAT??? :blink:

they rush to the side of the pond and start casting... i on the other hand start panicking and pulling out my jigheads and tails... trying to change lures as fast as i can...

Mate: FISH ON!

Enzo: :lol:

Wally: :blink::(

after a short tussle he pulls up a nice red snapper...

meanwhile ive debarbed my jighead and put on a Squidgy Fish 80mm Drop Bear tail...

now just for that perfection loop..............

ah.... 30 more seconds....

pull tight... cut the tag... DONE!

Enzo: FISH ON! :evil:

Mate: :whistle:

Wally: ... ... WTH! :angry:

laughing hard as he did it... Enzo pulls up a John's Snapper...


The Fish: John's Snapper

The Lure: Squidgy Fish 80mm Drop Bear

The Rod: Megabass Destroyer Orochi X4 Cyclone F4-66X4

The Reel: Shimano Scorpion XT 1500

muttering to myself and swearing under my breath (while those two are laughing hard) i walk to the side of the pond and start casting....

but my angst is short lived... about 2 or 3 cast later...


The Fish: Barramundi

The Lure: Squidgy Fish 80mm Drop Bear

The Rod: Shimano Scorpion XT 1703R

The Reel: Shimano Scorpion XT 1000

right now i bet you're thinking 'hey wally where are the GTs? i thought you said this was a GT Pond!'

well right after i release my barra... the pond attendant walks onto the walkway with a bucket of prawns...

immediately the water surface becomes alive with the unmistakable sight of GT dorsal fins...

its an impressive sight...

the attendent starts burlying some prawns and the water erupts and churns as the GTs go into a feeding frenzy... :woohoo:

the sight and sounds are mouthwatering... can i just say now that my mouth was wide open...

its the first time ive seen such heated action....

we start casting at the frenzied GTs... needless to say it was an awesome time... many hook ups... many spat hooks (damned barbless hooks)... and a few burst lines from big GTs running into structure... ill let the photos do the talking...




this 4kg specimen swallow the whole tail... only the jighead remained :ohmy:



this 4kg specimen mangled my hook (see below) :blink:

The Shirt: Shimano Scorpion XT Limited Edition T-Shirt :evil:


i ran out of TT jigheads cause i forgot to bring my new packs... so i resorted to these squidgy jigheads which werent too strong...

1 fish = 1 hook :lol:

i did hook up to a really strong GT... i battled him for a bit and managed to bring him to the side of the pond... but he made a last ditch dash and i was powerless to stop him... he ran into some structure and cut my line... :(

after that incident ive developed a deep seated respect for GTs... (man i dont know how you guys land 20-30kg models... insane! :S)

it was a short 2 hour session but all 3 of us had great fun...

i'd run out of Squidgies by the end of the session but man it was worth it :P

needless to say as happy as we were with the session... the other 2 were even more joyous as we headed out to breakfast :angry:

cheers for the read guys.


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went for a quick flick in one of Singapore's Reserviors the other day...

i know he's a little bugger... but he is my first Peacock Bass (Temensis) caught so i was pretty excited :woohoo:


Lure: Squidgy Fish 80mm Drop Bear

Rod: Shimano Scorpion XT 1703R

Reel: Shimano Scorpion XT 1000

they only get bigger after this :lol:

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