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Revenge of the Forster Bream!


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Do you ever have one of those day's on the water when nothing seems to go right for you?

Today would have to be one of the most painful day's I have had out on Wallis Lake. But apart from my low pain threshold the fishing was great!

The session started late at around about 10:30am, once the boat was launched it was just a short trip under the bridge complying with the 10kt speed limit then blasting off at 55mph towards the paddocks, a favored spot amongst locals and tourists alike. Starting the drift from the southern end, the first 10 mins resulted in 3 bust offs..Not the perfect start but oh well. The number of sweep and herring swimming around in the 15ft drop off on the northern end but was just crazy! you could hardly see the bottom.

A change of location was decided and we moved to the back of a bay in Wallis Lake proper. This is when the pain really started! First cast using a Pontoon 21 Crackjack and WHAM! within 2 cranks a small donkey of a bream inhaled the Crackjack and the fight was on. After burying me in weed, twice swimming under the boat and around the motor he was in the net. As I was unhooking the fish he gave a kick and fell out of my hands landing on my foot with his spikes up! It was around this moment when his spike broke off inside my foot that I noticed that I now had a lump about the size of your average grape on my foot. I delegated the breams release to my best mate then asked him to put his 'Doctor Hat' on and kindly get the spike out of my foot....Actually I think it was more along the lines of, "Let the Pr**k go and get this F***ER out of my bloody foot!". He did get it out but eventually I think he enjoyed watching me suffer not so silently.

Anyway after the foot incident I re-tied my lure just to be careful and we proceeded to work the weed edge, pausing and twitching the Crackjack as it sat just above the weed accounted for 3 more bream and 3 "Careful don't drop it" jokes from Beau. To combat this when I hooked a small bream I

As the tide was now running out a move was made down to the bridge and first cast with the Crackjack alongside a nasty oyster encrusted pylon resulted in a tailor around 1kg smashing the lure. Once he was taken care of we upsized our jigheads to 1/8 Gamakatsu's and moved around the other side to start deep water jigging using Gulp Minnow Grubs. This resulted in both of us pulling a small bag of bream in the 25-28cm fork length size, as well as 2 decent size squire one a tad under a kilo. Stumps were called after that, A good day fish wise with a few laughs chucked in at my expense!

I learnt a valuable lesson today, no matter how precious your purple Justin Bieber shoes are always wear them on the boat!

Take it steezy!


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Keen-as-fisho The fish are literally everywhere at the moment. Large tailor in the lake, especially at night, Jew on the wall around 15kg average and today seen a crocodile of a flathead which is always a good sign. Forster is home to some truly monster flatties.

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Oh forgot to add!

Thanks to Beau installing his new sound system in his boat, we now know that having music pumping out while fishing doesnt scare the fish off!



Justin Bieber



Far East Movement

I think the fish decided they would come party with us! :silly:

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Oh forgot to add!

Thanks to Beau installing his new sound system in his boat, we now know that having music pumping out while fishing doesnt scare the fish off!



Justin Bieber



Far East Movement

I think the fish decided they would come party with us! :silly:

Nice attempt at sneaking that in there ;)

up in PNG we used to crank the van morrison and bruse springsteen while fishing, didnt seem to have much of an effect. Also when i end up some creepy creek in the yak after dark i blast the beats out of my phone :PB)

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