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tanum fishin comp commin up.


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well plans are underway for us to be fishin the tanum comp this year, and by the sounds of it, those of us that are lugging the bigger boats up there are lookin forward to it, 685 explorer with a 300 yammy, a 685 explorer with a 225 zuke and a 680 haines with a 225 yammy,we intent to camp at some caravan park and slug it out on the boats mostly for this weekend, it will be capped at 3000 adult entrants, and believe me, there are some great prizes on offer, way better than the comps down here, so really lookin forward to it, will be dusting off the deckies to be fishin in 9 meters of water, lol, yes 9 i said, only downer is it's a 3 hr trip 1 way, just to get there. so if any 1 is keen i suggest you google and enter as this fills up pretty damn quick !


cant wait. :woohoo:

well i better start thinkin about puttin the zuke back on the boat, due to a new transom n floor at a lil cost of $17000. phew

glad it wasnt mine.

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3hrs to tannum? Bloody hell I must drive slow cos it takes me 3 hrs to get to Harvey bay, n tannum/ gladdy is least another 2.5/ 3 hrs north from there...Or do u mean its a 3 hr trip to the grounds your gunna fish on?? But you are right rob, that comp has kick arse prides alright, very well run as well

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