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size limits - live baiting regulations

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hi guys,

i just wanted to confirm that my knowledge of the rules are correct,,

tonight i went and flicked a couple more sp's down at wellington point, where you can imagine every man and his dog were fishing when i saw a guy catching undersized whiting and giving them to a mate to use as live bait.

The more he caught the more i started to get pissed off until he pulled one it that couldnt have been over 15cm and gave it to his mate. when i caught his attention i asked him " hey dude those fellas all over 23cm are they"

to which i obviously got a pretty snappy return of " were catching legal fish here mate, if you want to measure them there in the esky next to the ruler"

some-how i find it hard to emagine him giving his mates legal sized live bait when he was targeting them for his tea.....

so my question is, if the intended purpose is bait do legal size limits still apply?



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if they were it was illegal but they look very similiar but the winter whiting has a darkish stripe down it and not as colourful. there is plenty of people that keep undersize fish :@ it gives me the $hit$

Winter/diver whiting: silvery grey back; paler belly with a silver horizontal band

back and sides have dark blotches; upper and lower blotches frequently joined (especially towards the caudal fin); upper blotches generally larger

pectoral fin has black spot at base

summer/sand whiting: adults are a uniform silver colour (no darker bars or blotches)

pectoral fins have a dark spot at base

pale yellowish pectoral, pelvic and anal fins

dorsal fin is pale olive-green

snout has a dull blue-grey tinge on very large specimens

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Yeah i believe the mullet have to be 30cm. I think thats a regulation that gets broken all the time. I often see alot of people using them including myself at times but in saying that i have had the dpi the other night at woody point check my bucket and they didnt say anything just said have a good one.

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Yeah i believe the mullet have to be 30cm. I think thats a regulation that gets broken all the time. I often see alot of people using them including myself at times but in saying that i have had the dpi the other night at woody point check my bucket and they didnt say anything just said have a good one.

Diamondscale and Sea mullet have bag and size limits the rest do not.

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