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2 PBS off Scarborough Sat Morn


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Evening all, Been a very long exciting day!

We had planned to chase some squire around the shallow reefs off Redcliffe on Sunday morning but after seeing the forcasts on Friday arv we decided to ditch that idea and have a go this morning instead. Alarms went off at 4.45 and we were down at the ramp by 5.15 just in time for daybreak. Once we were out of the marina we were suprised to find the wind was a lot more northerly then we expected and the spot we wanted to fish was still a bit exposed but gave it a shot anyway.

Took some different baits out this time to give some new things a try. Had some bonito fillets and yellow tail pike but the good old iqf pillies and whole squid ended up doing the damage.

From the first bait in the water it looked like being a good morning with a legal squire being the first thing i pulled in after only about 15 mins reaching our location and not even having the Berley bucket in the water yet. Things were active losing baits all the time but not many solid runs or hookups. There seemed to be ALOT of small bream squire and stripeys striping our baits as soon as they hit the water.

About an hour after Sunrise i had a good thump and run on my 1-5kg ugly stick and thought i was onto a good snapper with solid runs and big headshakes and to my suprise up came a nice jew! I have never caught a jew before and was super stoked and he measured in at 78cm a nice solid fish! My first PB for the morning

Another hour and a half passed and we managed to net another 4 legal squire and threw back a good 10-15 that were under legal or right on. There seems to be thousands of juvenile fish around at the moment which is a good sign for the fishery.

Then about 9am Another monster hit and run on my same little outfit this time i was stumped, had no idea wat to expect, good runs, good headshakes, then it would prop in the current and have a rest hardly being able to budge it. Should of seen the look on my face when another Jew this one well over the size of the earlier one came up next to the boat! After going absolutely spastic and nearly jumping into the boat we managed to get a gaf shot in as the net we had was WAY to small and landed my second PB for the same morning he ended up going 95cm and right on 8kg. please excuse the photos i normally try and take them on the boat but didn't have a camera this morning! Eating Fresh fish and chips as i write this!





Wind came up, we ran outa bait, and we came in.

Awesome mornings fishing, wont forget it for a long time.

There are alot of fish out there at the moment looks like its going to be a good winter season this year and hopefully even better next year!


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