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borumba report


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Firstly like to thank ted for orginising the trip. it gave us the excuse to get out and do some camping and fishing.

secondly please dont comment on this post untill i finish putting up photoes as i have afew to put up. i will say when i am done.

friday couldnt come quicker and in the morning i loaded up my boat hooked it up and took it to work so i could leave straight from work. i was nearly and work when i hear ca-bang crash tin tin tin, i looked in my rear view mirror to see if the motor was still their, it was their so i looked in my left hand mirror and see that my guard in bouncing along the road. i pulled up and collected the maggled guard and proceeded to work. got to work and welded another guard on ( thank god i am in the trade )

anyway the time to leave came very quickly and i found myself picking up ash ( my soon to be wife ) and we were on the road.

we got to the dam at around 11.30 and were greated by the afo members, ( good to meat you all ) and we turned the car of, left the lights on and set the tent up. half to 45 later we had finished and went to more the car and flat battery grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, not wanting to wake anyone, a grabbed my battery out of the boat. we didnt have any jumper leads so i got my hunting spottie and cut around 1m of cord up and proceeded to wire one battery to the next. fired it up and thank god it started. i took it for a quick drive and then let it idle for around 2hrs while i slepted.

4.30 beep beep beep beep beep, the alrm was going of, so i got up and made my better half bacon and eggs and then work her up. she very quickly gobbled them up got changed for the big day ahead.

we were on the water at around 5.30 going mark 2 across the dam, fingers burning and nose watering like a tap from the cold to our normal haunts to hind fish. it was a beautiful morning with fog rising off the water low clouds, birds and ducks making alot of noise and the accasional male deer calling out ( thort rutting seasion was over? anyway ) it was a very slow start to the day but fired up quickly.

we ended up with 61 bass all up all taken on either blades, spinnerbaits and deep divers, with some eel tail catties throw in on red claw tail. and half a bucket of big red claw

hear are some pics enjoy





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Very nice mate, I love that dam, think I might head up there for a few days over the winter uni holidays!. Is that spinnerbait you've got in a few of the photos one of the tt's in the olive/gold colour? Would have to be my favourite spinnerbait, seems to kill it up there!

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Very nice mate, I love that dam, think I might head up there for a few days over the winter uni holidays!. Is that spinnerbait you've got in a few of the photos one of the tt's in the olive/gold colour? Would have to be my favourite spinnerbait, seems to kill it up there!

yeh it is

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good to see you two rewarded for the early morning launch! you guys have got that place sussed... we spent a lot of the time just checking out new terrain, every single bay looked fishy.

good stuff.

not nessaseraly, we tried our normal spots and only raised acouple, it was by chance that we found a good snag

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not nessaseraly, we tried our normal spots and only raised acouple, it was by chance that we found a good snag

fair enough. will need to have a good look at google maps next time or have a bit of a tour as we were flying blind with no idea which area we were in. people were talking yabba creek, borumba creek or king arm and we had no idea - great looking dam though.

was good to meet you both also.

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Come on Kurt, give us a smile :P You'll have to practice for the wedding shots sooner or later :lol:

Top effort on the bass. Almost Dino-like. :woohoo:

lololololol :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

ok i promise i will smile for the next post ( promise )

Hahahah and he is so cute when he smile!

But is ll his fishing and hunting photos he looks like a killer!!! heheh bub!

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