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Quick hour n half before picking up the kids.


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Got the itch this arvo before having to pick up the kids, so I grabbed the rod and a fist full of H.B's and headed down to the local creek.

Seems there's been a few people fishing this section now. There's fresh tracks through knee high weeded areas, and some dipstick has tied in a tree swing over one my more productive deep holes :angry: . (After a quick climb I cut it down :evil: )

I went strait to my little Camo Atomic and was on to my first bass within 10-15 mins.Not the biggun I'd hoped for but no donut I guess.


Had a few more casts but no more joy from that pool. I moved down to the next deep hole (where I found the bloody swing,) I found they'd also cut the away to a slope to get a good run up to swing out I guess so I might have to get down there with a shovel and cut out a new step.

No joy from this section either so I moved down to real snaggy area. Was on to my second little fella on the 3rd cast. He put up a good run for his size, even tried to run me under a log :lol: .


On the way back I tried a new section of bank after bashing through some thick scrubby patch, hooked on to what felt like a more solid fish but it spat the hooks after a few seconds. :angry: bugger.

Headed home after that.


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