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thursday 17/11 anyone heading out?


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i've been given the ok from work to take a day off seeing as though it's pretty quiet at the moment and was wondering if anyone else is heading out on the water and needs a decky or a landbased flick?

i'd love to get offshore or chase some jacks/flattys if anybody wants company.

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yeah mate that'd be alright. what do you normally chase out there? bait/plastics? i've never been to scarb. only thing is i think i'd have to be back just after lunch/early arvo.

i've got 2kg of individually frozen pillies sitting in my freezer that i bought a couple of weekends ago, then plans changed on me so i didn't get a chance to use them!

i'm going to check with the old man first in case he has the day off, but i won't be able to get hold of him until this evening.



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