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Buckat List Curtin Trip Gary and Nicole

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Last week the weather was lousy I had done 2 offshore trips the week before on borderline conditions and it wasnt pleasant for anybody.So when Gary still wanted to go fishing I suggested Curtin artificial reef.

We left from Manly on a pretty rough day.We went straight across to Moreton from Mud and sailed up close as the weather was from the South East.

After getting some livies at the beacons nearest to Curtin we set up to fish the change of tide, this gave us 3 hours of good fishing before the current became to strong.

After that we drifted the 20 metre line from Curtin to Bulwer for the rest of the day.

We caght 6 nice size Snapper and an estuary cod and 1 Mackeral to take home.

Nicole had the fight of her life with something huge that dragged her around the boat for about 10 minutes before busting her off, Her dad and mum both got smashed a few times and everbody else on the boat got done by the unstoppables.

There are some big fish on Curtin and it is a good day out for people that get seasick although this day was not one for the fainthearted.

These guys were super keen to go and stepped up to the plate and you can see from the photos were still smiling even in the pouring rain and 20 knot winds.

I am doing trips to Curtin now if anybody wants to get a group together , minimun of 6 $120.00 each, you bring lunch. Its nice in the Summer we can take you for a swim at Tangalooma on the way back or off the beach at Curtin.

Thanks to gary Nicole and family for a great day out.

To all the Bfo people, Happy New Year, keep safe on the roads and on the water.

Warwick, BuckatList Fishing Charters.0428368316

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