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Broadwater...loving the weather!

max pwr

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Well not an epic report on the fish front but I'd like to share the weekend just gone with you guys. Took Friday and saturday off from work, loaded up all the camping stuff in the tinnie and headed over to North Currigee for two nights. Really nice campsites with good showers and plenty of firewood to collect for cooking etc.


Friday arvo got stuck into the brewskies and headed across the Island to throw some sp's in the surf, didn't catch anything which was dissapointing cos there are two really nice gutters right up against the beach which I was convinced would hold fish. headed back to camp with intentions of returning at night with some livies to try for a jew but got too drunk :P:P

Up at 3:30 saturday morning and headed to the seaway and a nice bit of deep clear water where we caught some squire just under legal and my Mrs got her first jew ever :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: well under the legal size :( .

I got owned on a 20cm live mullet and again on a huge prawn......was using 20lb braid, full locked drag on my 4000 shimano baitfeeder and whatever it was just took off with no chance of stopping it.


Headed back to camp for a bit and decided on another session in the seaway as we still didn't have a single legal fish for our dinner ( plenty of good bream caught but I just don't like eating them :sick: ) Pulled up on the beach for a siesta mid afternoon and a swim before we hit the seaway again


Afternoon session was slow, I got busted off again twice and every idiot on a jetski and powerboat was carving it up all around us. We had the idiot in one of those parachute dragging boats fly past while he wasn't dragging a chute, this moron was like 4m from us going near flat out, fair enough it's a busy bit of water but jesus there's some real knobs there :angry::angry::angry::angry:

We watched a guy next to us pull up a 83cm flattie which was encouraging but again we left empty handed and stuck with sausages on the barbie once more......luckily I took plenty rumbos and beer to improve my evening :)

One more quick session Sunday before we left produced two keeper morwong :unsure: which I've never eaten before but what could I do, the mrs caught them so we decided to give it a try....bloody hell they fight well for their size that's for sure!


Last ditch effort on the way back to camp saw us at my favourite flathead spot ( sandbank just off wavebreak on the north side...shhhh don't tell anyone )where I'll guarantee anyone anytime to produce a feed, but it didn't :( And that's pretty much it, not much of a report but hey I tried.

On a sidenote, we cooked the morwong in foil oven style liberally coated in kiwifruit chilli sauce, yes you read it right and maybe not the firmest best fish ever but Yeah it went down pretty well. I'd say give it a go and personally i reckon leaves bream for dead.


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Enjoyed the read Max, have to agree it pays to have a good sense of humour if your going to fish weekends in the Broadwater.

There would have been some good Muddies for you behind Browns Island just to the north of where you were, give it a go next time, cheers wayne

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I shouldn't have read your report just before getting ready for another day at work...Your report could almost be written on a prescription.

Don't know about fishing the seaway on a weekend though, I nearly got run over by a big sail boat there once, missing me by millimeters.

Thanks for the report.


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Went out again after work yesterday arvo and did a bit better, no boats to speak of and got a couple keepers


you reckon Jords has a big noggin, check out this bloke :silly:


My first keeper squire in ages, gonna meet the frying pan tonight accompanied by some fine ale


Good sized morwong......went pretty hard and took a bit to get it to the boat against the current. If you look closely you'll see a tiny hook like off a little kids fishing set... :lol: would have given them a bit of a wake up :lol::lol:

Been fishing with a basic swivel,leader and hook rig. Thinking of swapping to a paternoster cos I reckon the bait is just laying flat right on the bottom. Also heaps of bust ups all around us just before we left.......shoulda taken some pillies or something to float out the back.

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