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Line weight for surf fishing


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While I mostly fish out of the boat, I'm gearing up for some beach/surf fishing this winter.

So I picked up a couple of Alvey 6500BCV's and some 13 foot rods.

At the moment I'm thinking of running one up with 10lb and the other with 15lb low stretch mono.

Is this even close to the typical setup?

Should I decide on one line class and run the same on both reels?

I'd love to hear what others are running and while we are at it, what sort of weights (range) you'd use on a typical bait rig.



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I don't pick the line so much for its weight rating as much as I do its finger friendliness. Once you get a bigger fast running fish especially on a cold dry winters morning you appreciate lines of .25 and greater when using an alvey.

I love platypus platinum but I am using a lot more lo stretch now. Remembering on the beach there are very few snags, for general duties I use 12lb and 20lb. 12lb usually during the day when longer casts are required for dart or a short quick spin session with light metals. The 20lb suits afternoon/night sessions when the fish move in closer and numbers of bigger fish are more likely. Those pesky little cuts you develop in your guide finger/s become a real pain the more/bigger/longer you fish.

If you already have those 2 lines use them they will be great.

Weight is going to vary with the rod you are using, conditions and what bait you are using. For dart weight your rod up to its sweet spot for maximum distance and take a bit off if really light conditions. Tailor, unweighted using a pilly if you can get away with it, into breeze or some run use a 5 ball. Anchoring cut baits upto a 10 ball although it may be overloading an average surf rod.

For smaller close in fish like bream, whiting and flathead take one of your boat rods in the 7 to 9' range. Much easier than using a big stick and more sensitive. Weight as lightly as you can, anything from 0 to 3 is more than enough.

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