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Tinnie and tackle show


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I can't afford the boat thing at the moment however Allround angler certainly does have good deals with the gear they have on sale.It is one of the rare times I have seen alvey gear on special and I've picked up countless fishing shirts and hats starting from five bucks. The other tackle displays aren't too bad but you are probably better buying things like nets,rod stands, tackle bags etc from them. I think most of their tackle is el cheapo gear.

I have also taken my kids for the last couple of years for the kids show and they were given fishing rods,plastics, hats and other goodies too. really good way to get them interested.

I will be going again this year to buy more stuff I really don't need but can't do without. May see some of you there. If I recall correctly, a few from the forum met up at the pub(Jubilee?) before going in last year.

Also make sure if you are buying motors,sounders etc that you do some research in the next couple of weeks before you go. Some businesses bypass the tinnie and tackle show and offer their own specials at their stores to coincide with the show.( Whitwirths comes to mind and possibly bias boating)


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If you want a boat. It's good. If you want bargains on gear and it's anything like the previous years, stay home and save your entry money. Was like 2 stands there, 1 was really cheap quality stuff, the other was complete angler, which you can hassle your local for just as good a deal.

Why can't it be like melbournes fishing show? It's massive, stalls everywhere, open till 11pm.

Brisbanes show have a lot to learn I think?

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