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Holiday Bass Adventures


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Hey all,

Well it’s time for my holiday report. Originally, we had planned for a big trip to Fiji for two weeks of fishing madness. But with the wild weather over there including torrential rain, flooding and cyclones, flights were cancelled and we were forced to pull the pin, which was pretty devastating. Fortunately, we will be able to do the trip at a later date this year.

Anyway, the alternate was to head to the GC Hinterland over Easter, which suited me, because it had been a while since I had been bassin’.

The first few days the weather was great, sunny, warm, and it felt like summer again. On the downside, fishing was very average and the bite was very slow. Only a few fish were landed each afternoon within a 20 minute window. Luckily, it was not long before the tables turned and the weather made a change: Windy, wet and freezing cold…. and the bass came out to play. Some great sessions were had fishing the dusk surface bite with cicadas and surface walkers. I also managed to force myself out of bed for a couple of dawn sessions which were great fun catching bass in the shallows and getting smashed right at my feet on a number of occasions. There were some big eels around which also took a fancy to the surface lures resulting in bite-offs and shredded lures :evil:

There were also a couple of close encounters with several snake sightings, I even managed to step right over a red-belly black to keep me on my toes :sick:

All up it was it a fun holiday with plenty of fish caught, nothing huge but all good fun on 4lb/4lb. I never get sick of bass!










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