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PR knot vs FG knot


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Who uses what knot to tie haevy leader 200lb to heavy braid 80lb plus.

Just trying to keep my options open for the upcoming reef trip.

Still wondering who i can hand the rod over to when my arms are stretched to far and my fitness gives out.

If its Gary C i think we will have to decided what knot we will use to tether him to the boat with

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I use the PR knot, bit of pain in the @ss to tie on the boat when it's bobbing around but I like it nice and neat. The FG knot is just as good but it take me longer to tie that than the PR knot with the bobbin.

I even use it to tie pe2 to 50lbs leader when light jigging cause it passes throught the guides so nice and smoothly.

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but evan better, what i do is a wind on.....

bimini twist the braid and then attach the wind on.... i usually have 10 premade wind ons in my tackle box at any one time. to attach the wind on bimini, use a cats poor... very easy knot



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Who uses what knot to tie haevy leader 200lb to heavy braid 80lb plus.

Just trying to keep my options open for the upcoming reef trip.

Still wondering who i can hand the rod over to when my arms are stretched to far and my fitness gives out.

If its Gary C i think we will have to decided what knot we will use to tether him to the boat with

Excellent point! I sure do hope that the boats have high sides, I was nearly pulled off of the boat on "Fish the Deep" off of the Goldie so I can only imagine what the monsters up North are going to do to me. Absolutely can not wait!

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Like Mark, I use the FG knot because I do not have a bobbin but the end result is pretty much the same between the two.

How prone are you to motion sickness? The reason Im asking is because we have a mate who always get sick while tying the PR knot with the bobbin whereas Im able to tie the FG while looking out into the horizon. This can be a big thing especially on a rough day.

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Like Mark, I use the FG knot because I do not have a bobbin but the end result is pretty much the same between the two.

How prone are you to motion sickness? The reason Im asking is because we have a mate who always get sick while tying the PR knot with the bobbin whereas Im able to tie the FG while looking out into the horizon. This can be a big thing especially on a rough day.

HAHAHA that's why you have me out with you, I get to finish off his knots while he makes a burley trail out the side :sick:

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