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Noosa (lack of) fishing weekend


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Just for novelty purposes, I will write a salt water report. :P

Had an epic plan to go fishing all day every day over the Easter period around noosa. Didnt happen... An assignment was more time consuming than planned.

Managed to get out twice with my brother and his mate Luca.

Session one we decided to spend a couple of hours land based around lake weyba. Murdering creek which feeds into the lake looked promising but didnt have any luck unfortunately.



I donutted but madi got a stonker whiting in the lake!

(Stupid face matches a stupid sized fish I'm guessing his logic was on this one)


That was it for the day. Plenty of small ones jumping around but that was it I think. Some nice scenery made it worth it.



2nd fishing trip involved taking the tinny out for a spin at first light. Was great to get out on it again. Tried noosa river at the estuary for the first time and flicked some surface lures over the bars and drop offs for a while with no luck. Was really expecting more because it looked so prime!

Drifting all the way down with the tide and back up to drift again seemed like a great idea, but only managed to pull a small trevally in the 3 hour morning session. Was my first boated fish for my tinny though so I was pretty happy I broke the drought of not landing anything in about 5 trips hahaha :).

I'm not an expert on saltwater species, so my first guess was a small golden trevally?? Tell me if I'm wrong.


Zman grub in motor oil did the trick


Now I'm back to reality and back in brissie. Wasn't how I planned it to be, but was still great to get out there twice nonetheless.

Will definitely try my luck at the noosa river again now that I am a little more familiar with it.



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