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CBD threadies(possibly) in action


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Hi guys, I have a long time did not post anything on the site now. I did not catch too many and i was busy with work and study as well.

Tonight, I went to catch citycat to go home after finished one of my assignment. Of course, I missed the ferry for just 2 minutes, so I had almost 18 mins to wait on the jetty. I saw a fish swimming around yesterday night, i was not sure, so I wanted to see whether they will still be here or not.And here they are!!!! I started to shoot and finished shooting at the middle of the action.As soon after I was filming, there was one fish got the prawn on the surface, and then diving straight to the water and showing off his tail on the surface, that was amazing!!!!

PS: What are they in your opinion? I think they are threadies, but i can be wrong.

I am still uploading now (0:13 29/04/2013) so please wait a bit if you can not watch it right now.


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