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Teewah beach - 20/21 July 2013


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Some of my mates and i are going to Teewah Beach this weekend for some serious fishing. We will set up camp somewhere on the 15km stretch allowed for camping.

I read in a previous post that someone caught reasonably well during the past Rainbow Comp between Cherry Venture and Red Conyon.

Could someone give me directions on where to find this if i enter the beach at 3rd cutting from Noosa'a side please

Any other suggestions would also be appreciated.

We will target tailor, tarwhine and anything else that wants to bite. The main session will be from Saturday 3pm to 8pm, maybe try and pick up a Jewy........

Thank you

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red canyon to cherry venture is a lot of beach... Not 100% sure but i'd say about 15km at least.

Look for any likely looking gutter, generally the area from the freshwater track north to DIP fishes best (the gutters in front of the camping areas are subject to a lot more fishing pressure). If you find a gutter with some rocks in it that will be your best bet as it will generally hold some bait.

Good luck!

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Fishfanatic i got your PM and will answer you here just in case someone else is heading up that way shortly.

We always camp 2k from the northern end of the camping area, this allows us to fish the northern end of the beach where there is less fishing pressure.

There was a good Tarwhine gutter just 1 k south of the end of the camping area, this is where we got most of our fish.

Other good spot was around the bunch of rocks 1 k north of Freshwater camping area.

I don't fish times for Tarwhine i fish the tide, you can't go past the last half of the run out and the first half of the run in.

They will use this time to sneak in real close to the beach and hunt for pippies and worms, good luck, Tarwhine are one of the best fighting and eating fish you will get, cheers wayne

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Dirkus, no mate the gutter straight in front of camp is where the Jew came from, we were getting Tarwhine and Bream then the Jew moved in and all the other fish disappeared.

Crosby, more Bream than Tarwhine in the surf down here, i personally believe it is because the lack of pippies on our beaches, although we have plenty of beach worms, chees wayne

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:cheer: Just a picture of the nice white spotted shovelnose ray i caught at Teewah beach over the weekend. It was 120cm long.

Also to say thanks to Youngy for his advice. We ended up in the area he suggested and found a nice gutter.

We also got 4 tarwhine of between 29cm-32cm and 1 tailor of 45cm and a dart of 30cm and a bunch of other smaller darts and tarwhine.

All in all a great weekend.

Could any one maybe tell me how much this ray would weigh? I was trying to find a convertion calculator on the web but wasn't successful. I didnt measure the girth but would expect it to be around 60cm.



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