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Jigging, reel ratios, rod used and braid/flurocarbon?


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HI Guys

I am looking to get into jigging....This will be using the berkley saltwater squidgy baits and 3/4-1&1/2 oz jig heads on 3-4/0 hooks.

How important are reel ratios? I am going to use an overhead reel and was all set to go for a TLD 15 for line capacity, lever drag and size and also price....BUT the ration is 4:0-1

Rods? Looking at carbon for weight saving but it needs to be fairly solid im imagining and also for overhead reel.

Braid? 30kg? with a flurocarbon leader of what breaking strain??

Advice greatly helped :-)

budget?? depends on what i hear from you guys but around $300 ish....

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Tricky one to answer mate but I'll assume when you say jigging you mean soft plastics not vertical jigging with metal. If plastics is the case forget the tld and forget the 30kg line and forget the gear ratio as it's not too important. Where you're fishing would help but assuming you're wanting to chase snapper on shallow to deepish reefs say from 20-60m then the weight jig heads you've mention shall be about right depending on current. As for what rod and reel for $300 you could do worse than to buy a Shimano Raider Snapper rod and put a 4000 Shimano reel on it with some 20lb braid. As for the leader fluorocarbon is the go and 20lb will see most thing landed. Obviously the higher the budget the better the combo you could get the the above setup would handle most fish.



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You're describing two vastly different styles of fishing. Stick with spin gear if you wish to do both plastics and vertical jigging with the same gear.

The rods used for both styles are usually quite different too, with a soft plastics rod usually being between 6'6" to 7'6" with most mechanical jigging rods in the 5' - 6' range.

I think a 7' 5-8kg (or lighter) rod with a 2500-4000 sized reel with 20lb braid will suit both styles better than any overhead alternative.

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I think im finally getting it thanks guys :-) I think the rod part is done for mow as I have a Berkley Attack 6ft8" 6-8kG snapper rod I havent used yet. Im assuming there is potential to hook into some spanish mackeral and some tuna.....With that in mind would a 4000 reel hold enough line for the long runs they do? I do have 2 new baitrunner 6500's but they are way too heavy for me!

How about a saragosa reel or similar? Maybe an 8000 or 10000 size? I do like shimano reels and will use braid. Do any spin reels come with 2 spools any more?

Getting a spin reel that will cover offshore plastic fishing is something I want to get right and not end up making a mistake like I did with the 2 baitrunners which are way too heavy to hold for more than about an hour.

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