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Someone give this man a Medal or a NRL Career.


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I've seen Footy players that can't drop kick better than this guy

"Angler taunts puffer fish before kicking it into ocean before shocked tourists"


Someone call the wambulance for the tree huggers.

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Nup, if you do s*** like that you are a t***, simple as that.

Just because its not an edible or fun to catch fish is no excuse for treating a living animal like that. Its attitudes like that that give the extreme green groups ammunition to come at the great percentage of fishos that actually care about the fish and the environment.

What a turkey.

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I totally respect the rights of other posters to have a different opinion on these sorts of matters, so please don't anyone think I am having a go at those who have posted above, but I always think it is a little hypocritical for us as sports fishos to be so concerned about cruelty to fish. If we felt that strongly about it we wouldn't entice them to swallow a sharp metal object, then drag them around the ocean or creek by the jaw (or even gut), take them out of the water and leave them gasping while we fumble for a camera to record our conquest.

Sure, this was mindless additional cruelty, but let's not forget the events that led to the fish being on the wharf in the first place. I, like most people on this site, do my best not to inflict additional harm to fish I catch, but I don't feel I am well placed to comment on the actions of others when it comes to causing pain to fish.

Again, this is just my opinion and it is no more right or wrong than anyone else's.

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Totally agree about being hypocritical sometimes re: harming fish particularly with the C&R fanatics that think they're doing no harm. However, if the lines start to blur between booting a fish and hooking one for fishing then we may as well sell up the gear. Poor form, he should respect his catch.

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I totally respect the rights of other posters to have a different opinion on these sorts of matters, so please don't anyone think I am having a go at those who have posted above, but I always think it is a little hypocritical for us as sports fishos to be so concerned about cruelty to fish. If we felt that strongly about it we wouldn't entice them to swallow a sharp metal object, then drag them around the ocean or creek by the jaw (or even gut), take them out of the water and leave them gasping while we fumble for a camera to record our conquest.

Sure, this was mindless additional cruelty, but let's not forget the events that led to the fish being on the wharf in the first place. I, like most people on this site, do my best not to inflict additional harm to fish I catch, but I don't feel I am well placed to comment on the actions of others when it comes to causing pain to fish.

Again, this is just my opinion and it is no more right or wrong than anyone else's.

I agree to a point. I am often conflicted by fish welfare, and care greatly about my catch, more often than not these days all my catches are released in the water immediately.

As far as the hook in the mouth thing goes, does it hurt them, who knows at this stage. Lets not forget they eat all sorts of spiny, stingy, bitey stuff. So a small sharp hook in the mouth, sure its not fun, but I doubt it scars them for life. Take fish tagging programs for example, I think the fastest re-capture I have heard of is less than 1 minute, goes to show if good care is taken some species wont even go off their food.

As you said, that sort of thing is mindless additional cruelty and cannot be justified by how the fish got there. There is no excuse for it at all.

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