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It's been a while...


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Well, it's been a long time since I've posted anything on this forum so here are my most recent outings...

Been doing a lot of fly fishing recently, and I've managed to pick up bass, trevas and tarpon on fly. Here is the only decent snap of one of the tarpon I got. Catching these is awesome on fly!


The school holidays just gone, I was lucky enough to be fishing up north for most of the two weeks. Along with dozens of cod and little trevas, I ticked two species off my list. Got my first Diamond and Jack within the first couple of days of being up there.





Even the old man got into it..


I also fished a day with Jon Snell at Australian fly fishing outfitters on Hinchinbrook. We fished flats and up the creeks and managed the usual suspects like cod and trevally.. Hooked multiple barra on fly but just couldn't get them to the boat. Even though nothing too special was caught, it was awesome to fish such a cool place.



Got home with just two days left of the holidays, so... I went fishing.

Had an awesome day off Mooloolabah catching heaps of little bonito, AJ's and 8 cobia including this 1.2m chunk. (Not mine). Also saw multiple whales up close which was cool.


I mainly fished micro jigs. The winner being the Maria shoretricker 25g.



Cheers ;)

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