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Landbased bassin before the storm

Joe K

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James and I had planned a bassin trip after lunch today. I was concerned about the forecast thunderstorms and didn't want to risk him being caught outside in a storm so we decided to cancel the trip. I had the arvo off so I decided to risk a quick bassin trip ahead of the storm front.

Well, the baby bass were again all over me. I kept walking and they kept following me. I was using oversized hooks so I only landed a dozen of these babies. Here is one with a spinnerbait stuck in her. The terminals were rusted but is still usable.


Then the big girls arrived. The 1st fish snapped my 30lb fluro leader. I got bricked twice but I still managed to land some beaut fat bass. The barometer must have been going crazy as it was stifling and very humid.

Cheers.. Joe.




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