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PB Longtail

Miller 197

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Longtail tuna is one of those species that sits very high on my bucket list of fish to catch, and Saturday I ticked longies off the list.

After reading almost all of the tuna related posts on here I have set out a few times in hope to catch one, but I only ever seem to find mac tuna schools :huh:

Saturday my dad, brother and I left the ramp and headed to Moreton to find some mackerel, we spent about an hour at one beacon getting some livebait and throwing some lures, resulting in a couple decent schoolies, We then went to this other beacon that we haven't fished before and there must have been about 15 boats around it! We anchored on the outer edge of the mass of boats and I floated a livie out the back. It wouldn't have been about any more then 5 minutes and the baitrunner started singing.

I clicked the baitrunner into gear and set the hooks and wow... This thing went so fast and hard straight out the back taking about 200 yards on its first run. The fight was on a 8000 baitrunner with 30lb braid 30lb leader. Our initial call was for a shark because it was sitting right up in the water column and we could see it splashing around right ontop which didn't really seem tuna-ish. After this first run we pulled the pick and got some line back. The fight probably lasted 40 minutes with the tuna calling terms the whole time. By the time it got to the boat the fish was absolutely buggered and had both hooks pretty deep down so we decided to bring it in and keep it for a feed.

Highfives around as soon as it hit the deck. We measured it and it went 124 cm. I would have loved to know the weight but we don't own a set of scales.


Im already planning out next trip after getting the boat back from trymax. Hoping to get one on a lure B)

After this we went to tangalooma for a swim and then went back to the same beacon and had some fun with a large school of leaping bonito which were fun to catch on the light stuff.

Afterwards we headed back to manly with the bay practically glassed out

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