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lake moogerah nxt weekend


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Hey guys its bin a while since ive bin on here the dreaded work plague has devoured my soul lately but i finally have next weekend off and have managed to ditch the wife and kids and organise a coue mates to go camping for the weekend and lake moogerah. Has anyone fished there before and can reccomend anything to me? Ill be taking the yaks out there but any tips on what i may catch what bait/ lures/plastics to use and what to look for as far as targeting species wpuld be very helpful. I wish u all well on ur fishing adventures and hope none of u catch the work plague as bad as i had it :)

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Hey mate, at this time of year the bass will be schooling up and if you have sounders fitted start looking in around 6-9m of water. Jigging is probably the easiest way to target these fish and lure wise ice jigs, blades, micro jigs and plastics can all produce on their day.

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