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Forgan Cove Thursday Arvo

Joe K

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Hi Guys,

Caught up with James this arvo for a quick landbased session. The water level was down almost a metre but it was still difficult casting to the drop-off. We cast for 2 hours without a hit. The water in the shallows was COLD which may have put the bass off. James had decided to leave his waders at home. :lol: No fish, not even a forkie, but we had a good yarn and lots of munchies.


After James went home I drove to a nearby river and walked upstream hoping for some topwater bassin at dusk. While waiting for the sun to set I cast spinnerbaits for 30 minutes without any luck but I almost stepped on some local wildlife.


Second cast with an OSP Bent Minnow and as I started the retrieve I felt a weight come on and felt the struggling fish. Hooray, finally a hookup with a nice fat bass that measured 42cm. A few casts later I got another hookup but the fish threw the hook half way in.


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Just saw the post sorry. It was still great to get out for the walk and next time I will definitely be wearing waders :pinch: Glad that you got a nice bass at the end and on surface too! Look forward to another session! Always plenty to talk about!!!


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