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sat night or sunday early


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is anyone fishing tonight or tomorow early and want some company im looking for some place to soak some bait have bait rods boat happy to share can even make cup of tea prefer northside as im lazy and dont like to drive to far ui have to be home by 9am sun or the missus will turn into dragon and cook my fat ass

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casting small 4-6cm hardbodies and softies for flathead or bream. Cabbage has all that structure up the back around the trawlers. Could try there if kev is keen. Had no luck there recently though. Pretty easy fishing though. Just drive right up to the spots. No walking!

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if your landbased go up to the trawlers cast sp's out and u catch plenty flathead round mid tide or so round 30-40cm mainly plus at one of the trawlers ive lost something big twice i think it might have been a cod cause bit the side of the sp but would have been some thin with teeth and took a decent bit of drag

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I think the run out from High to mid low should be good up there. Will have to check times. I know the mouth produces at absolute bottom of the tide. Some good flatties hang around up near the channel markers but you need shoes or waders to get out there. When the tide gets low you can walk out on the sand and cast straight into the drop off and there are always Flatties sittng along that ledge right back to Baxter's jetty.

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i can launch my boat and run us around a bit jump out here and there theres a few spots from the other bank that are pretty good ill be at the boat ramp pretty early and catch the last of the drop and start fishing the flood in tide before it gets to high i have no seats in my boat at the moment so i can fit in a few bodies if needed.most of the spots i fish are within 2/300 metres of the ramp lol

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Sounds like it might be a bit packed with the four of us. we're thinking about poking around nudgee beach. Hopefully be there by 5:30am. Give us a buzz on the Mobile if you reckon you've got room for two more. Or look for the asian and white guy casting lures off the flats out at the mouth.

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if the waters flat i may zoom over to nudgee its only 10 mins when its flat and see how you guys are doing theres no way we could fish 4 out of my boat it would be silly but im allways happy to just skipper or pull up on the bank some place interesting with a big flood tide it could be interesting for rays allong the nudgee forshores kinda depends on those evil jelly fish they seem to slow things doiwn badly when they are in big numbers

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