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Oh Dear Oh Deer


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Last wednesday had a good day on the lures, managed 41 bass. Yesterday I decided to have a baitfishing session. Picked a couple of bass up on the troll down the dam then settled in for some bait fishing. As Ray said the forkies were out in force by the time I had sliced 21 of them from head to tail and returned them to the bottom for the red claw to feed on I had had enough and trolled home early. Managed 35 bass all legal size, 21 forkies and one spangle. Think I might be back on the lures till the forkies retire for thewinter.








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Tough fishing ALL AROUND - Went to Baroon to get my pots before they shut it.

Pots were 5m up the bank, after being put in 3m of water last trip about a month ago. Sure know how to use water on the Sunshine coast.

Spangled were out in force, big schools of them everywhere, almost impossible to troll, you couldnt go 50m with having one hanging on to the lure. Ended up with just one small bass for the day.


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