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Finally Going Fishing...


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Wind will start saturday morning as soon as the poles open Angus, all those politicians and their supports flapping their gums and waving how to vote cards. Better be off the water by 10, they will have developed it in to a stiff breeze by then!

And for heavens sake dont go at dusk, all the political commentators whoipped to a frenzy will have made it a roaring gale by the end of the poles!


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On 16 March 2016 at 0:29 PM, Angus said:

Well after a bloody chaotic few weeks I am finally getting out for a fish Saturday...

Anyone else taking advantage of this fairly dreamy looking Saturday morning? (I hope it holds)...



Sorry to be a newbie but can you explain this graph and why it excites you?

By my interpretation, there is a lowish high tide, overcast conditions with very little wind. 

Does that equal fishing gold?

Also, what app/website is it from?



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1 hour ago, PineRiverNoob said:

Sorry to be a newbie but can you explain this graph and why it excites you?

By my interpretation, there is a lowish high tide, overcast conditions with very little wind. 

Does that equal fishing gold?

Also, what app/website is it from?



This is from seabreeze looking at the wind strength/direction and wave height. Mostly relevant to boaties going out in the bay or offshore. Strong winds usually mean bigger waves and that is not ideal for us because it could be dangerous or just too rough. So Saturday looks great in the morning and I would expect it will be pretty flat in the bay until the wind gets up.

Other sites to check are willyweather, windfinder and the BOM. Its a good idea to check different sites and work out an average so you know what it might be like out there. But as I said its not as relevant to landbased fisho's although a good idea to check it anyway incase it is blowing 30 knots or something which isn't good for any fishing!

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