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Offshore Stradie


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Headed offshore with my son Brock over the easter weekend we stopped and got some livies just outside the bar then headed to anchorage for the morning. After setting a livie out the back under a float we also put a livie on the bottom then floatlined for reefies, not long after getting our 1st baits out the surface bait went off and Brock jumped in to action this fish went hard and Brock soon had a nice spanish mackerel boatside.


We soon got the mackerel in to the ice slurry and set  more baits out then Brock again hooks up on his floatline rig and he was in to a good battle, he landed a good size spangeled emperor. We got back in to it and we both started to put some nice snapper and moses perch in to the slurry then just as a mate stopped by with his new boat Brock hooked up to another brute on his floatline this fish was going hard and soon he had a beast of a green jobfish in the net it must have gone 10kg.


2016-03-26 08.15.27.jpg



The reefies kept coming with snapper, moses perch, spangeled emperor, tuskie, green jobfish, spanish makerel then Brock hooks another beast and struggles with getting him off the bottom. The 25lb line was singing and Brock slowly starts to win The battle and he brouht a good kingie in to the net this fish was Brocks best fish and i think his 1st legal size kingie.


2016-03-26 11.05.53.jpg




We lost another spanish mack before we called it a day and headed back home across some calm seas it was a top day on the briney with my son and plenty of good fish landed here is the final result


2016-03-26 13.59.15.jpg



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Fantastic session there Mark and Brock. How thick is the tail on the green jobby - beast of a fish!! 

I think I can guess why Mark had problems with inserting the photos - he had to fillet too many fish which meant he was too well hydrated ........ :whistle::whistle::whistle:




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16 hours ago, kmcrosby78 said:


It was a solid jobfish  Brock got the 5 of the biggest fish that day outfishing me big time just wait till your boy grows up Kelvin you will feel that deflation when he starts catching all the good fish lol

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2 hours ago, samsteele115 said:

That looks so good, awesome haul of fish. Hopefully I can beach launch my tinny when I get a new car and get into some of that offshore action straddy has to offer. Anyone beach launched straddy before?

I see boats launch through the beach gutter at Adder Rock just near the camp ground it is really close to where i fish

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14 hours ago, jon said:

nice work tugger thats a good bag right there! that top right mosie is solid too! heading out tomorrow hopefully we can get a variety like that aswell


That moses went 46cm Brock got it as well , the day was awesome bringing home 7 diferent species that was what made my day

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