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Fishing The Maroochy River


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Hi all. just looking for some general advice. im taking my three little brothers up to mudhimba for a couple of days for the school holidays and havnt really fished the maroochy river before. im taking up my 4mtr tinny and was wondering if anyone could help with some general spots to try and pump some yabbies and then go for a casual fish for some bread and butter species.. as per usual in a new area ill stop in at a local tackle shop for some bait and advice but any aditional info is appreciated. i think the inlet around the twin waters area will be our closest acess to the water. its a pity there not a bit older as with the weather towards the end of the week id rather take the big boat and go to the banks but oh well, in years to come.

any help is appreciated thanks in advance.

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1 hour ago, Angus said:

I have only done the upper reaches mate for some bream and bass but it looks jacky.

Lower reaches have all the typical banks, channels and weed beds you would think should support the typical flatties, whiting etc.



cheers mate. hey didnt end up going for that dusk snap sesh tonite but will probs go on sat night before i fly out if ur keen let me know

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Pretty sure I've read a few reports (on Ausfish from memory ..) about jacks plus I think jewies and decent flathead on livies at the bridge (no idea which bridge but assuming it wouldn't be too hard to work out). Probably not much help, but thought I'd toss it up anyway .... :) Good luck.

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OK, so you can get good jack, jewies, and trevors around the highway bridge. Not sure about yabbies but there are heaps of live herring around the bridge.It can be a long wait sometimes but if the kids are able to sit with a line in the water it's def worth a shot around the bridge itself. Also try anywhere from the bridge to the mouth for whiting and bream but it can get pretty busy so finding a quiet spot can be a battle. upstream from the bridge there are many accessible spots for a tinny. Lots of flathead through this system too. Good luck.

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If you're in Mudjimba, the boat ramp off Nojoor Rd is probably your best bet. There's a big sandbar straight across from the boat ramp in the middle of the river.  You can pump yabbies here at low tide (south side produces more), plus most of the fringe of goat island and the north side of chambers island.

Don't be afraid to drift these flats in a couple of feet of water as there's some good flatties and bream lurking around them.  Easy fishing for the younger ones drifting some plastics along too.  A lot of people go straight for the deep water and forget about these which keeps them nice and quiet.

Further upstream towards the bli bli bridge there's some more mudflats to pump yabbies on and these and the racks are worth a crack for some bream and flatties.  The bridges have usually got a reasonable amount of trevally and other varieties , but can be like a carpark at times and a lot of smaller pickers in between the good fish.

Let me know if you need any more info.  

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Hey Jon, I would be trying the cod hole with livies at night. Just google 'maroochy cod hole' for the exact location. Its right near the bridge and i always hear good reports from here.  For a more family friendly trip I would target whiting/flatties around all the sand banks near the mouth

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Thanks heaps to everyone who replied I think I'm armed with enough info to Keep us entertained. Those shallow flats sound ideal so the boys can drift yabbies whilst I flick some plastics and maybe even throw a popper for whiting


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