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Blaksley's Social Logistics


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So a few questions for a newbie to this event and location...

  • Anchoring.. Any tips here? I noticed a picture of a lot of high and dry boats from the first one...
  • Dinner Sat night. I note pictures of a big feast. Is this planned? Or does everyone just bring stuff and then share? Happy either way it just looked organised to me.
  • I am assuming it is a rough camp (shovel up the hill style). Or is there toilets etc? Do not care each way just good to know.

Cannot wait now!!

Hopefully these simple questions might be useful to a few others as well.



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  • Anchoring.. Any tips here? I noticed a picture of a lot of high and dry boats from the first one...
  • Dinner Sat night. I note pictures of a big feast. Is this planned? Or does everyone just bring stuff and then share? Happy either way it just looked organised to me.
  • I am assuming it is a rough camp (shovel up the hill style). Or is there toilets etc? Do not care each way just good to know.


  • 1) It does get shallow on low tide so a long anchor rope is needed. We are going to look at the top end of the sand bank this time as it could be deeper there so may be a lot better.
  • 2) We all bring an item each and then share.Some will bring meat, others might bring or make a salad or desert, ect. We will arrange this just before the weekend.
  • 3) No toilets so it's into the bush.
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10 hours ago, aussie123 said:
  • Anchoring.. Any tips here? I noticed a picture of a lot of high and dry boats from the first one...
  • Dinner Sat night. I note pictures of a big feast. Is this planned? Or does everyone just bring stuff and then share? Happy either way it just looked organised to me.
  • I am assuming it is a rough camp (shovel up the hill style). Or is there toilets etc? Do not care each way just good to know.


  • 1) It does get shallow on low tide so a long anchor rope is needed. We are going to look at the top end of the sand bank this time as it could be deeper there so may be a lot better.
  • 2) We all bring an item each and then share.Some will bring meat, others might bring or make a salad or desert, ect. We will arrange this just before the weekend.
  • 3) No toilets so it's into the bush.

Awesome thanks :)

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Even before my wife was pregnant the first thing she'd ask is, "Are there toilets at the spot?" So no doubt I'll be flying solo this weekend, which will mean my gear can stay as simple as possible. I'll throw it out there now and say I'll bring a couple of salads for the Saturday night dinner and leave the meat to other people. Salads for men of course, not just lettuce and green ****.

I planned to come over very early Saturday morning and head offshore with those already over there. However from a logistics point I think is going to require a lot of effort from my point and a very,very early start. I plan now to meet others at the ramps early Saturday and head across with them, fishing inside the bay. If I do follow others out offshore, it'll be on Sunday. Who's heading across early Saturday morning and from what ramps?

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We have a good run in tide both Sat and Sunday morning so providing there is no swell rolling in, the bar will be good for crossing for anyone wanting to head offshore.

As for the food, we self cater for our meals and drinks for all meals except Saturday night where we all put in a little bit each and have a huge community cook up and feast.

Those salads will be great Tybo so thanks for that offer.

We will have several spits and camp ovens for cooking the meats and Marks famous self saucing puddings so we will go through these couple of posts this week and start organisings things.

This is going to be a ripper weekend so hopefully everyone can make it.


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