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NPD 23/2/17


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Went to NPD this morning with Jurgen and Catherine.

58ae91513abf5_DSCN0836(640x480).jpg.6dfa5d684854b766bec719a9d05b2604.jpgThe level is dropping significantly.

Lots of large potholes but it is nice and easy to launch from the far side and only a short walk to your parked car.

The ramp is going to be closed for a couple of days soon to enable 40 odd metres of rock to be placed to reinforce the edges of the causeway and a few metres of readymix used to repair the potholes.

The PRFMA will be asking for volunteers to assist if anyone is feeling energetic.

I had to abandon 2 shrimp traps as the water was only 6 inches deep and Jurgen did not feel like walking about 50m through soft mud to reach the pots. So I will have to wait for some rain before I can reclaim them.

The wind got up quite early and I was trying all the sheltered bays attempting to find some fish with the prospect of a donut looming.

We finally bit the bullet and headed downstream and finally found a few bass mixed in with numerous forkies.


We spotted Dino who seemed to be getting a few so we went over and horned in on his spot.where we got stuck into lots of little bass and more forkies.

Dino left us to them and we had numerous triple hook ups and finally filled Percy up with forkies. When percy finally left the sea eagles and a wedgetail moved in for a feed.

The bass finally went off the chew so we went back to the first spot where we got them and found some bigger fish plus more forkies. Plus a few small tilapia.

Final score was 81 bass with only 20 of them being legal. I gave up counting the forkies and estimate between 30 and 40.





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