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Ffffffn Forkies.


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I went to NPD this morning ignoring the forecast storms and wind.

Turned out not too bad a day with only a bit of wind which actually helps the fishing when you are on spot lock as you move about a bit.

My first spot t the drop off opposite the end of Koala straight produced some reasonable bass between 33 and 40 odd cm plus 6 spanglies and a couple of forkies.

I then did my pots and next spot was the tree with the float . I only stayed a couple of minutes and then moved to the horn in spot where it was 2 forkies to one bass and the bass all under size.

One of the forkies got me on the finger with the spine going into the bone and then ripping sideways. Bleed like a stuck pig and because the wound was ripped I could not immerse the finger in hot water so I just poured hot water on my handkerchief and wrapped it around the finger.

As I could not use that hand i started just leaving the rod in the rod holder and winding the fish up. I did not mind doing this with the bass as they were easy to release but quickly got the sh!ts

with the forkies as you need 2 hands to release them.

I moved over to the far marker to see if I could find any bass there and only stayed for a short time as by this time my finger was really giving me curry so I headed back to the ramp and came home. Did the whole trip with my left hand in the air and felt every bump and vibration.

Normally a forky spike does not worry me too much but this one really lit me up. It is feeling much better now as I knocked off 2 of Judys 30 gram codeines but making heaps of typing mistakes.




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